2008. április 15., kedd

Girls are pretty


Name: Jason Levesque Location: Chesapeake, Virginia ( United States ) D.O.B.: November 13, 1975 Toolbox: Mac G5, Wacom tablet, sketchbook, digital camera, photoshop, pretty girl Inspiration: The web is an endless source of inspiration to me. I love finding new artists and learning from what i see. Also I base a lot of my illustration on my own photography so I am inspired by my photography subjects. Fun: Kayaking, rock climbing, dirtboarding, watching cartoons, kissing girlfriend. School: Nada, I dropped out of school in 11th grade and taught myself web design. Made a couple lucky breaks and snuck into a career through the backdoor. Shhh, our secret. Quick Bio: I live with my fiancé Elizabeth. She's a very talented girl and we spend a lot of time curled up on our couch with our sketchbooks and a good movie.
She provides a constant source of inspiration to me and I can't ask for more than that.

There are also two cats that live in my house. They are both shelter cats and only medium cute which is most likely why their mom left them.

I have two kids that I made with this chick a while ago. They're smart, talented and all that junk. I see them every weekend and like them plenty.

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